Posts tagged new years
(Lunar) New Year Resolutions!

Gong hei fat choy or gong xi fa cai , which ever you prefer, either way Happy New Year! It’s the Year of the Pig! That’s me! I’m a pig!

Considering I haven’t posted on ye olde blog since June last year, I suppose it shouldn’t be terribly surprising that I’ve waited until the day after the beginning of the Lunar New Year (which if you live in Vancouver, like I do, is a pretty big deal) to finally share my goals for 2019. ‘Cause they aren’t really resolutions, it just looked better in the title of the blog post.

My overall theme for 2019 is “Finish What I Start”. I very much take after my father in this regard. I’m extremely good at starting projects, less good at finishing them. When I was kid there were half-finished projects all over our house, much to my mother’s consternation. My own home is much like that, one closet’s been KonMari’d, my gallery wall is almost done, and I wrote my NaNo novel, but I haven’t even looked at it since I finished it on November 29.

To try and finish these things and move forward with some other things, I’ve separated my goals for 2019 into six ‘categories’

First and foremost my NaNo novel. Finishing NaNo for the first time after trying for five years was a MASSIVE accomplishment for me. I literally cried as I watched the little ‘You did it!’ video they send you after you verify your word count. I think after all that went into finally getting the story out my brain really needed a break from it. But the break is over now, I need to re-outline and then attack it with an editor’s vengeance.

Writing more consistently here. Clearly, that’s been an issue in the past, but I often have things to say, I just end up keeping them to myself. Sorry world. But don’t worry, if I can get my act together you’ll hear more from me this year. Aren’t you looking forward to random musings?! I KNOW YOU ARE!

I love podcasting with Taylor, and Tiny Fences isn’t going anywhere, but there are a lot of things I could be doing better in regards to the podcast. Trying to set up our TeePublic site, looking into other options either with Patreon or instead of it.

I also would love to work on a narrative type podcast, or maybe do one about movies? Talking is something that anyone who knows me probably knows that I’m pretty dang good at,(or maybe wishes I was less good at it...) podcasting combines that talent with other things I love, like pop culture and storytelling.

With my family history of heart disease and high blood pressure, one of my big goals for this year is to really get my health in order. There are a lot of things that I’d like to do, and getting into better shape to make sure that I’m around to do all of them is another one of my goals. I’m taking part in my second round of My Peak Challenge, with challenging workouts and a nutrition plan are a big part of that.

My podcast co-host Taylor has been taking selfies after they finish their workouts, so I’ve started doing the same. I’m really hoping that by the end of the year, I won’t look quite so done for at the end of a workout.

As I mentioned at the top, even though I’ve lived in my apartment for over a year, it’s still a work in progress. My big goals for this year is to actually finish doing a full KonMari of my house. If you haven’t heard of KonMari, then please go to Netflix and watch Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. I’ve collected a lot of random things over the years, and I really don’t need to keep the museum of Andrea in boxes ‘just in case’. Either it sparks joy or it goes.

I also need to finish my gallery wall, as well as put up the rest of my art. I also feel like some of the rooms aren’t quite ‘set up’. I’ve lived in such small places for so many years that I just don’t know what to do with all my space. Yes, I’m aware this is a rare luxury, but it’s still a bit of an issue.

One of the big things I want to ‘finish’ this year, is my yarn stash. I’ve been knitting for so long, and have collected so much yarn over the years. Buying new stuff for new projects, but having so much leftover when I’m done.
I’ve already started by asking my friends on Facebook what I can make for them (since I work faster when I’m making something for someone) and only using stash yarn for the projects. Once I make a good dent in the stash, I’d like to finally make a sweater or two for myself this year.

I’d also like to branch out to sewing and try to sew myself a piece of clothing, maybe a skirt or dress.

I have a beautiful ukulele that I’ve also never quite around to learning out to play. This year I’m going to finally learn to play it, and several songs. I love to sing, so I may as well learn to accompany myself.

Finally, when I was in elementary school I learned to juggle. That talent cost me cast as the lead in a play when I was young. Since then I’ve kind of just let it die. When mum and I were in England this past summer, we went to Haddon Hall and they had a fool’s hat and some juggling balls in the main hall, and I couldn’t help myself, I put on the hat, and picked up the balls and juggled a little. It’s an odd hobby, but one I want to get better at.

So year, that’s it for me 2019. Finish more things that I’ve already started, and start things that I want to make sure I finish. #FinishWhatIStart